Data sharing is power in the fight against opioid abuse.
View the maps below to watch the growth of a robust national network of PDMPs, healthcare providers and pharmacies exchanging data via PMP InterConnect and PMP Gateway to combat drug diversion and drug abuse.
The Growth of PMP InterConnect Data Sharing and PMP Gateway Facilities 2011 – June 2022

More than 90% of PDMPs use PMP InterConnect to Exchange Data
An effort to create a prescription drug interstate data sharing infrastructure began in 2004. Due to the slow progress of that project and the urgent need for PDMPs to share data, in late 2010 an enterprising group of state PDMP administrators and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) took action to develop their own tool. They designed and developed the specifications and engaged Bamboo Health to execute their vision, which would become PMP InterConnect, the only national network of PDMPs.
The collaboration completed the initial phase of the project in nine months and launched the system in August 2011 with data exchanges between Indiana, Ohio and Virginia. Since that time, NABP, the PDMP administrators and Bamboo Health have worked together to add and improve functionality, usage and adoption. Today more than 90% of the nation’s PDMPs use PMP InterConnect to exchange data for hundreds of millions of patient encounters each year.
PMP Gateway Integrates PDMP Data into Providers’ Workflow
Healthcare providers and pharmacists wanted to be able to access patient data in an easier, more efficient way vs. having to exit their workflow and log into a separate system. So NABP and the state PDMP administrators acted again in 2014 to develop a tool that would do just that. Working with Bamboo Health they delivered PMP Gateway, a managed service that integrates PDMP data, analytics, insights and resources with electronic health records, pharmacy management systems, and health information exchanges.
Prior to the introduction of PMP Gateway, prescribers and pharmacists had to exit their workflow and log into separate systems to query patient information which took important time away from patient care. PMP Gateway provides a comprehensive view of patient data within the clinician/pharmacist’s own workflow, enhancing decision making and care and saving, on average, two to five minutes per patient. Today, PMP Gateway provides more than 1.11M prescribers and pharmacists a single point of access to 52 PDMPs, facilitating 107 million patient encounters each month.